"Better Safe
Than Sorry"
The real task is to make it a consensus in the scene and in society as a whole that it is a particularly serious case of Violence (assault, coercion,bodily harm) to administer drugs tosomeone withoutexplicit consent and awareness of the consequences. Alsoregardless of whether the condition is then exploited for assault. Only Yes Means Yes also in relation to consumption!
>> Become clear about your basic attitudes towards substance use at your parties (thisexplicitly includes alcohol)? What are border crossingsand red lines, what kind ofguest and consumer behavior do you want to counteract?
>> Communicate appropriate rules of conduct and expectations to yourguests (e.g. golden rules, netiquette and sexiquette etc. in your advertising, appropriate informationat the entrance and in the toilets).
>> If you have a no-G policy: make ittransparent toyourguests.But also be awarethat every taboo and prohibition strategy has strong negative effects: For example, G will then increasingly only be consumed in secret. Thismaydeterthose affected by sexual assault in particularfrom turning to you or to friends and fellow celebrants in confidence if theyneedhelp.Look (preferably together with us) for an appropriate way to deal with the fact that G use is now quite widespread.
>> Form awareness structures and teams and have your employees trained on substance effects, risks and safer use as well as how to act in a drug emergency (e.g. from us).
>> Take those affected seriously andsupport them to the best of your ability, offer them safe spacesand create anatmosphere oftrust.
>> Be aware that perpetrators often pretend to be friends of the victim. Get proof that the person and the victim really know each other!
>> MUT - Traumahilfe für Männer*
Advice and support for men* who are experiencing or have experienced sexualized violence.
https://mut-traumahilfe.de | (030) 236 33 978 | anfrage[at]mut-traumahilfe.de
>> Opferhilfe Berlin
Opferhilfe advisesandsupports victims and witnesses of crime and theirrelatives,regardlessof offense, age, gender and origin. Immediately after the crime, but also yearslater, free of charge and confidentially. Oldenburger Str. 38, 10551 Berlin Phone: ++49 +30 +395-2867/-9759 (Mon-Fri 10:00-13:00, Tue/Thu 15:00-18:00) www.opferhilfe-berlin.de | info@opferhilfe-berlin.de
>> Gangway e.V. | StreetStreet social work Berlin
If you have been sexually assaulted andare looking for support, you can also contact the Gangway emergency service . https://gangway.de/schnelle-hilfe/24h-notdienste/ Gangway also offers servicesfor young women who want to talk about relationships, drugs and aggression;please contact the online drug counseling service for more information. https://gangway.de/online-drogenberatung/
>> Violence against women helpline in many languages: 08000-116.016 (365/24/7)
>> White Ring helpline: 116 006 (Mon.-Sun. 07:00-22:00)
>> Berliner Krisendienst - The crisis serviceprovidessupport for all psychosocial problems.
You can findthe right telephone numberfor your region at www.berliner-krisendienst.de (weekdays 16:00-24:00)
For urgent cases,the supra-regional
on-call serviceisavailable daily 00:00-08:00 and on weekends/holidays 08:00-16:00, tel. ++49 +30 +390 6310
>> Violence protection outpatient clinic of the Charité Berlin
There arenow violence protection outpatient clinics in severalcities. Hereyou can have injuries examined and documented by a forensic doctor, free of charge and even without a police report.Tel. ++49 +30 +450.570.270 (Mon.-Fri. 08:30-15:00)
>> LARA - Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen*
Helpfor women* after the age of 14 whohave experiencedrape, sexual assault and sexual harassment.Tel. ++49 +30 +216.8888 (Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00) www.lara-berlin.de | beratung@lara-berlin.de Here you will also find furtherinformation, e.g.on the FLINT* and the Refugees Hotline!
"Better Safe
Than Sorry"
It isa taskfor everyone to make it clear that this is a caseof violence against another person -regardlessof whether the situation is then exploitedfor assault.
The real task is to make it a consensus in the scene and in society as a whole that it is a particularly serious case of Violence (assault, coercion,bodily harm) to administer drugs tosomeone withoutexplicit consent and awareness of the consequences. Alsoregardless of whether the condition is then exploited for assault. Only Yes Means Yes also in relation to consumption!
>> Become clear about your basic attitudes towards substance use at your parties (thisexplicitly includes alcohol)? What are border crossingsand red lines, what kind ofguest and consumer behavior do you want to counteract?
>> Communicate appropriate rules of conduct and expectations to yourguests (e.g. golden rules, netiquette and sexiquette etc. in your advertising, appropriate informationat the entrance and in the toilets).
>> If you have a no-G policy: make ittransparent toyourguests.But also be awarethat every taboo and prohibition strategy has strong negative effects: For example, G will then increasingly only be consumed in secret. Thismaydeterthose affected by sexual assault in particularfrom turning to you or to friends and fellow celebrants in confidence if theyneedhelp.Look (preferably together with us) for an appropriate way to deal with the fact that G use is now quite widespread.
>> Form awareness structures and teams and have your employees trained on substance effects, risks and safer use as well as how to act in a drug emergency (e.g. from us).
>> Take those affected seriously andsupport them to the best of your ability, offer them safe spacesand create anatmosphere oftrust.
>> Be aware that perpetrators often pretend to be friends of the victim. Get proof that the person and the victim really know each other!
>> Violence against women helpline in many languages: 08000-116.016 (365/24/7)
>> White Ring helpline: 116 006 (Mon.-Sun. 07:00-22:00)
>> Berliner Krisendienst - The crisis serviceprovidessupport for all psychosocial problems.
You can findthe right telephone numberfor your region at www.berliner-krisendienst.de (weekdays 16:00-24:00)
For urgent cases,the supra-regional
on-call serviceisavailable daily 00:00-08:00 and on weekends/holidays 08:00-16:00, tel. ++49 +30 +390 6310
>> Violence protection outpatient clinic of the Charité Berlin
There arenow violence protection outpatient clinics in severalcities. Hereyou can have injuries examined and documented by a forensic doctor, free of charge and even without a police report.Tel. ++49 +30 +450.570.270 (Mon.-Fri. 08:30-15:00)
>> LARA - Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen*
Helpfor women* after the age of 14 whohave experiencedrape, sexual assault and sexual harassment.Tel. ++49 +30 +216.8888 (Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00) www.lara-berlin.de | beratung@lara-berlin.de Here you will also find furtherinformation, e.g.on the FLINT* and the Refugees Hotline!
PHOTOS BY Bobby Rodriguezz @bobrodriguez / Bogdan Glisik @bglisik / Brooke Cagle @brookecagle / Clarisse Meyer @clarissemeyer / Ramy Kabalan @ramykabalan / Christopher Campbell @chrisjoelcampbell / Alexander Antropov
all photos are license-free, taken from pixabay.com and wikimedia.commons
PHOTOS BY Bobby Rodriguezz @bobrodriguez / Bogdan Glisik @bglisik / Brooke Cagle @brookecagle / Clarisse Meyer @clarissemeyer / Ramy Kabalan @ramykabalan / Christopher Campbell @chrisjoelcampbell / Alexander Antropov
all photos are license-free, taken from pixabay.com and wikimedia.commons