"Eyes closed...
and through!"
Episode 61: Music as medicine - Listen to the grass grow
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz (Professor of Systematic Musicology at the Carl v. Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
Music is one of the most important lubricants in our society, increases our general well-being, can have therapeutic effects and promotes exchange and communication. In this new episode with musicologist Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz, Andrea and Jessica, you can hear why this is so and what diverse potentials are still hidden.
Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz has been teaching Systematic Musicology at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg since 2008. Psychological, physical and social meanings of music making, singing and dancing among lay people are among his main research interests.
Episode 62: Party drugs and the risk of addiction - For risks and side effects, ask our doctor... or your drug counseling center
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Lukas Roediger (physician, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité Berlin | Working Group Recreational Drugs)
Substance use, alcohol dependence, drug abuse, addiction - being addicted. What does that actually mean in concrete terms? What does it feel like? Are some substances more dangerous than others? In this episode, Jessie, Andrea and Dr. Lukas Roediger (Charité Berlin) talk about being "addicted," how we recognize it and how we can protect ourselves.
Lukas Roediger is a physician at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charité in Berlin. He is part of the working group Recreational Drugs (Charité Berlin) and supports Sonar and the Clubcommission Berlin with his expertise.
Worried about the health of someone you care about and don't know how to support? Then listen to this new episode! Stefan and Andrea tell you what you can do as friends for your substance-affine companions - and where the limits might be...
Stefan Rieder is a social worker at the Drug Emergency Service in Berlin and also a former colleague from the Sonar project.
Episode 64: Sex, drugs and unwanted gifts - When more than just passion burns in you
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Dr. Tessa Winkel (physician at the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning, Berlin)
Sex and drugs - a hot mix that sometimes gives us more than we bargained for. In this episode, you'll learn everything you need to know about sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases from Dr. Tessa Winkel, Jessie and Andrea. We talk about testing options, gaps in care, and how you can protect yourself.
Dr. Tessa Winkel is a physician at the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning in Berlin.
Episode 65: The Green Hope? - How cannabis is to be legalized in Germany
Host: Andrea Piest
On 12.04.23, Health Minister Lauterbach and Agriculture Minister Özdemir presented their plans for the upcoming, long-awaited cannabis legalization. The changes are less far-reaching than planned and still very unspecific. In this episode, Jessica and Andrea report on what should and should not be allowed and where there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Episode 66: Festival hacks - DOs & DON'Ts for the open air season
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Iryana (Psycare UK)
Every year we are looking forward to the start of the open air season! In this new episode, together with Iryana, an experienced festival-goer and Psycare specialist (Psycare UK), we put together the best tips for you: What do you pack best, how do you prepare and how does the detoxing afterwards work out? No wishes remain unfulfilled, I promise!
Episode 67: Club culture and drugs - Why clubs and drug use go hand in hand for many people
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Daniel Jackobson (Clubcommission Berlin)
https://awareness-akademie.de/ (also workshops and co. )
For some, clubs and drugs go together like gin and tonic. And anyone who has ever been to a Berlin club toilet knows it: long lines, short lanes.... But the pandemic has also shown that without clubs, people consume even more! Either way, we ask: Is drug use an essential part of club culture? What are the consequences for club operators and how does Clubcommission Berlin support them?
Episode 68: Social media and drugs - How do Insta, TikTok & Co. influence our consumption?
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Anja Lapčević (Chief Influence Officer Kingfluencers)
-> Play
Drinking contests, drug use, a friend who wants to comfort her bestie with a bottle of booze or wine - what influence do drugs and alcohol reels on TikTok and Co. have on our consumption behavior? We invited an expert from Switzerland - Anja Lapčević is a board and founding member of Conscious Influence Hub - an initiative that aims to inspire and raise awareness for influencers*. Take a listen.
About Anja Lapčević:
Episode 69: Drug Checking in Berlin - Why the Berlin project is more than just a drop in the ocean after all
Host: Lars Behrends (sonar | Head of Department at vista gGmbH)
with: Tibor Harrach (pharmaceutical coordinator of the drugchecking project)
After several years of preparation, substances can now finally be tested in Berlin. You can hear how this works and why this is an important step forward in this new episode with the two staff members of the drug checking project.
Some things change faster than expected - in the meantime, the Narcotics Act has been amended. Federal states are now allowed to offer model projects for substance analysis for users - also mobile AND also in drug consumption rooms. Unfortunately, the adjustment does not mean that offers will now be created in all federal states. The regulations must also be adapted at the state level. Federal states that do not currently operate drug consumption rooms will certainly continue to be hesitant about drug checking.
About Tibor Harrach:
Episode 70: Community Special Part 2 - We answer your questions
Host: Andrea Piest (sonar / Nachtschatten)
with: Rüdiger Schmolke ( Notdienst e.V.)
Since the last FAQ Special you have sent us a lot of great, exciting questions - in this episode you will find information about current trends, Rü's and Andrea's assessments of current drug policy and whether there is such a thing as particularly dangerous drugs.
Some things change faster than expected - in the meantime, the Narcotics Act has been amended. Federal states are now allowed to offer model projects for substance analysis for users - also mobile AND also in drug consumption rooms. Unfortunately, the adjustment does not mean that offers will now be created in all federal states. The regulations must also be adapted at the state level. Federal states that do not currently operate drug consumption rooms will certainly continue to be hesitant about drug checking.
About Rüdiger Schmolke:
There's always time in between to listen to something exciting. And not just when we can't meet up with friends or party in clubs or at festivals due to pandemic-related imponderables, for example. Not only - but also for this reason, we have decided to take a few little audio excursions into our themed worlds - where the Nachtschatten podcast is not exclusively - but of course always - about substances and their responsible use within club, music and pop culture. Of course, this also applies to everyday life at home. So, if you've just got half an hour...
"Eyes closed...
and through!"
Episode 61: Music as medicine - Listen to the grass grow
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz (Professor of Systematic Musicology at the Carl v. Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
Music is one of the most important lubricants in our society, increases our general well-being, can have therapeutic effects and promotes exchange and communication. In this new episode with musicologist Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz, Andrea and Jessica, you can hear why this is so and what diverse potentials are still hidden.
Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz has been teaching Systematic Musicology at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg since 2008. Psychological, physical and social meanings of music making, singing and dancing among lay people are among his main research interests.
Episode 62: Party drugs and the risk of addiction - For risks and side effects, ask our doctor... or your drug counseling center
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Lukas Roediger (physician, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité Berlin | Working Group Recreational Drugs)
Substance use, alcohol dependence, drug abuse, addiction - being addicted. What does that actually mean in concrete terms? What does it feel like? Are some substances more dangerous than others? In this episode, Jessie, Andrea and Dr. Lukas Roediger (Charité Berlin) talk about being "addicted," how we recognize it and how we can protect ourselves.
Lukas Roediger is a physician at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Charité in Berlin. He is part of the working group Recreational Drugs (Charité Berlin) and supports Sonar and the Clubcommission Berlin with his expertise.
Worried about the health of someone you care about and don't know how to support? Then listen to this new episode! Stefan and Andrea tell you what you can do as friends for your substance-affine companions - and where the limits might be...
Stefan Rieder is a social worker at the Drug Emergency Service in Berlin and also a former colleague from the Sonar project.
Episode 64: Sex, drugs and unwanted gifts - When more than just passion burns in you
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Dr. Tessa Winkel (physician at the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning, Berlin)
Sex and drugs - a hot mix that sometimes gives us more than we bargained for. In this episode, you'll learn everything you need to know about sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases from Dr. Tessa Winkel, Jessie and Andrea. We talk about testing options, gaps in care, and how you can protect yourself.
Dr. Tessa Winkel is a physician at the Center for Sexual Health and Family Planning in Berlin.
Episode 65: The Green Hope? - How cannabis is to be legalized in Germany
Host: Andrea Piest
On 12.04.23, Health Minister Lauterbach and Agriculture Minister Özdemir presented their plans for the upcoming, long-awaited cannabis legalization. The changes are less far-reaching than planned and still very unspecific. In this episode, Jessica and Andrea report on what should and should not be allowed and where there is still a lot of room for improvement.
Episode 66: Festival hacks - DOs & DON'Ts for the open air season
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Iryana (Psycare UK)
Every year we are looking forward to the start of the open air season! In this new episode, together with Iryana, an experienced festival-goer and Psycare specialist (Psycare UK), we put together the best tips for you: What do you pack best, how do you prepare and how does the detoxing afterwards work out? No wishes remain unfulfilled, I promise!
Episode 67: Club culture and drugs - Why clubs and drug use go hand in hand for many people
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Daniel Jackobson (Clubcommission Berlin)
https://awareness-akademie.de/ (also workshops and co. )
For some, clubs and drugs go together like gin and tonic. And anyone who has ever been to a Berlin club toilet knows it: long lines, short lanes.... But the pandemic has also shown that without clubs, people consume even more! Either way, we ask: Is drug use an essential part of club culture? What are the consequences for club operators and how does Clubcommission Berlin support them?
Episode 68: Social media and drugs - How do Insta, TikTok & Co. influence our consumption?
Host: Andrea Piest
with: Anja Lapčević (Chief Influence Officer Kingfluencers)
-> Play
Drinking contests, drug use, a friend who wants to comfort her bestie with a bottle of booze or wine - what influence do drugs and alcohol reels on TikTok and Co. have on our consumption behavior? We invited an expert from Switzerland - Anja Lapčević is a board and founding member of Conscious Influence Hub - an initiative that aims to inspire and raise awareness for influencers*. Take a listen.
About Anja Lapčević:
Episode 69: Drug Checking in Berlin - Why the Berlin project is more than just a drop in the ocean after all
Host: Lars Behrends (sonar | Head of Department at vista gGmbH)
with: Tibor Harrach (pharmaceutical coordinator of the drugchecking project)
After several years of preparation, substances can now finally be tested in Berlin. You can hear how this works and why this is an important step forward in this new episode with the two staff members of the drug checking project.
Some things change faster than expected - in the meantime, the Narcotics Act has been amended. Federal states are now allowed to offer model projects for substance analysis for users - also mobile AND also in drug consumption rooms. Unfortunately, the adjustment does not mean that offers will now be created in all federal states. The regulations must also be adapted at the state level. Federal states that do not currently operate drug consumption rooms will certainly continue to be hesitant about drug checking.
About Tibor Harrach:
Episode 70: Community Special Part 2 - We answer your questions
Host: Andrea Piest (sonar / Nachtschatten)
with: Rüdiger Schmolke ( Notdienst e.V.)
Since the last FAQ Special you have sent us a lot of great, exciting questions - in this episode you will find information about current trends, Rü's and Andrea's assessments of current drug policy and whether there is such a thing as particularly dangerous drugs.
Some things change faster than expected - in the meantime, the Narcotics Act has been amended. Federal states are now allowed to offer model projects for substance analysis for users - also mobile AND also in drug consumption rooms. Unfortunately, the adjustment does not mean that offers will now be created in all federal states. The regulations must also be adapted at the state level. Federal states that do not currently operate drug consumption rooms will certainly continue to be hesitant about drug checking.
About Rüdiger Schmolke:
There's always time in between to listen to something exciting. And not just when we can't meet up with friends or party in clubs or at festivals due to pandemic-related imponderables, for example. Not only - but also for this reason, we have decided to take a few little audio excursions into our themed worlds - where the Nachtschatten podcast is not exclusively - but of course always - about substances and their responsible use within club, music and pop culture. Of course, this also applies to everyday life at home. So, if you've just got half an hour...
PHOTOS BY Bobby Rodriguezz @bobrodriguez / Bogdan Glisik @bglisik / Brooke Cagle @brookecagle / Clarisse Meyer @clarissemeyer / Ramy Kabalan @ramykabalan / Christopher Campbell @chrisjoelcampbell / Alexander Antropov
all photos are license-free, taken from pixabay.com and wikimedia.commons
PHOTOS BY Bobby Rodriguezz @bobrodriguez / Bogdan Glisik @bglisik / Brooke Cagle @brookecagle / Clarisse Meyer @clarissemeyer / Ramy Kabalan @ramykabalan / Christopher Campbell @chrisjoelcampbell / Alexander Antropov
all photos are license-free, taken from pixabay.com and wikimedia.commons