"Know it, Test it,
Relish it!"
More information:
⫸ Get help if you or someone else needs it! Staff and emergency services are there to help you! ⫸Bla Blubb
SONAR stands for promoting health and minimising the risks associated with taking drugs.
⫸ Plan: What do I need before, during and after the party?
⫸ Decide for yourself: What is good for me? What applies to me doesn't necessarily apply to others (and vice versa)!
⫸ Get informed: About the substance, side effects and interactions and particular risks. Collect information on substance quality, use drug checking (if possible)!
⫸ Risk check: Don't overestimate yourself, the dose and the risks.
⫸ Protect yourself: Inform your friends about what you are consuming - so that they can help you in an emergency.
⫸ Consume hygienically: Repackage substances in your own clean container after purchase, then wash your hands thoroughly.
⫸ Testing: Take the smallest possible effective amount orally, preferably at home and not alone. Check for signs of poisoning and the body's defense reactions!
⫸ Testing: Dose carefully, wait at least 90 min. before re-dosing. Observe the effect. The onset and intensity of the effect vary depending on the form of consumption!
⫸ Cool down: Take breaks, cool down in between!
⫸ Saf ety first! No consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding and before driving or cycling! If in doubt, get help immediately. Staff and paramedics are there for you!
⫸ Grind crystals and powder until it is really fine to reduce damage to your mucous membranes.
⫸ Use your own consumption equipment and disinfect the surface before use.
⫸ S nort your nose before sniffing. Use nasal care (cream or oil) some time after sniffing.
⫸ NEVER (really never!) share the tube! Use your own or disposable tubes made of clean paper and throw them away after one use. Hepatitis in particular is contagious outside the body for a long time.
⫸ Wait with re-dosing! There can be a particularly long time between the onset of action and the full effect. Alternate nostrils if you consume several times in one night.
⫸ Activated carbon filters filter some of the non-psychoactive harmful substances from the smoke.
⫸ If you use a vaporizer, avoid this as much as possible and use the desired active ingredients more efficiently.
⫸ Think about whether you really want to combine your weed with tobacco when smoking weed or whether you prefer to smoke it pure (e.g. cannabis in a pipe). Be careful with the dosage!
⫸ Thoroughly disinfect or boil consumption utensils. Sharing joints, pipes and vaporizers easily transmits many viruses and bacteria.
⫸ Avoid direct contact with skin and mucous membranes: Most substances are highly corrosive!
⫸ Capsules, pills, tablets: It can take up to two hours to take effect. Do not overdose too quickly!
⫸ Avoid drinking solid substances dissolved in your drink - most are highly corrosive and attack teeth and gums. The effect is delayed and is more difficult to assess.
⫸ The anal insertion of substances (with a syringe without a needle or as a powder in a capsule) is gentle on the nose and stomach or veins.
⫸ The effect is similar to injecting.
⫸ Use water-soluble lubricant if necessary to avoid injuring yourself when inserting (the syringe or capsule).
⫸ Avoid infections: Every butt has its own syringe! It is best to use gloves when inserting capsules.
⫸ Never, really NEVER (!) share cutlery. Use a new pump, needle etc. every time!
⫸ Injecting is particularly risky - inform yourself in detail beforehand!
⫸ Do not underestimate the effect! Injecting has a particularly strong effect and the risk of overdosing is particularly high. You can always top up - never reduce the dose.
"Know it, Test it,
Relish it!"
More information:
⫸ Get help if you or someone else needs it! Staff and emergency services are there to help you! ⫸Bla Blubb
SONAR stands for promoting health and minimising the risks associated with taking drugs.
⫸ Plan: What do I need before, during and after the party?
⫸ Decide for yourself: What is good for me? What applies to me doesn't necessarily apply to others (and vice versa)!
⫸ Get informed: About the substance, side effects and interactions and particular risks. Collect information on substance quality, use drug checking (if possible)!
⫸ Risk check: Don't overestimate yourself, the dose and the risks.
⫸ Protect yourself: Inform your friends about what you are consuming - so that they can help you in an emergency.
⫸ Consume hygienically: Repackage substances in your own clean container after purchase, then wash your hands thoroughly.
⫸ Testing: Take the smallest possible effective amount orally, preferably at home and not alone. Check for signs of poisoning and the body's defense reactions!
⫸ Testing: Dose carefully, wait at least 90 min. before re-dosing. Observe the effect. The onset and intensity of the effect vary depending on the form of consumption!
⫸ Cool down: Take breaks, cool down in between!
⫸ Saf ety first! No consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding and before driving or cycling! If in doubt, get help immediately. Staff and paramedics are there for you!
⫸ Grind crystals and powder until it is really fine to reduce damage to your mucous membranes.
⫸ Use your own consumption equipment and disinfect the surface before use.
⫸ S nort your nose before sniffing. Use nasal care (cream or oil) some time after sniffing.
⫸ NEVER (really never!) share the tube! Use your own or disposable tubes made of clean paper and throw them away after one use. Hepatitis in particular is contagious outside the body for a long time.
⫸ Wait with re-dosing! There can be a particularly long time between the onset of action and the full effect. Alternate nostrils if you consume several times in one night.
⫸ Activated carbon filters filter some of the non-psychoactive harmful substances from the smoke.
⫸ If you use a vaporizer, avoid this as much as possible and use the desired active ingredients more efficiently.
⫸ Think about whether you really want to combine your weed with tobacco when smoking weed or whether you prefer to smoke it pure (e.g. cannabis in a pipe). Be careful with the dosage!
⫸ Thoroughly disinfect or boil consumption utensils. Sharing joints, pipes and vaporizers easily transmits many viruses and bacteria.
⫸ Avoid direct contact with skin and mucous membranes: Most substances are highly corrosive!
⫸ Capsules, pills, tablets: It can take up to two hours to take effect. Do not overdose too quickly!
⫸ Avoid drinking solid substances dissolved in your drink - most are highly corrosive and attack teeth and gums. The effect is delayed and is more difficult to assess.
⫸ The anal insertion of substances (with a syringe without a needle or as a powder in a capsule) is gentle on the nose and stomach or veins.
⫸ The effect is similar to injecting.
⫸ Use water-soluble lubricant if necessary to avoid injuring yourself when inserting (the syringe or capsule).
⫸ Avoid infections: Every butt has its own syringe! It is best to use gloves when inserting capsules.
⫸ Never, really NEVER (!) share cutlery. Use a new pump, needle etc. every time!
⫸ Injecting is particularly risky - inform yourself in detail beforehand!
⫸ Do not underestimate the effect! Injecting has a particularly strong effect and the risk of overdosing is particularly high. You can always top up - never reduce the dose.