"Better Safe
Than Sorry"
The extent of experience of sexual assault across the lifespan remains alarmingly high (see, for example, this article from DIE ZEIT with results from the Global Drug Survey). We stand by those affected in a partisan manner and uphold the followingprinciples:
⫸Every form of sexualized violence is to be condemned.
⫸Everyincident is one too many.
⫸Every trivialization of it is inappropriate.
⫸Every transgression of boundariesshould be countered immediately and strictly.
⫸Affected personsareentitled toanysupportinsolidarity; theirneedsmust be decisiveforthe evaluation and consequences in thesituation and afterwards.The persons affected thus decide whether a situation is assaultive and constitutes a boundary violation, and how the assaultive person should be countered. This basic attitude is called "power of definition" (of the persons affected).
No one knows for sure how often assaults by G or other substances used as KO substances occur. Only a very small minority of those who have experienced sexual assaults under the influence of drugs associate this with G. (In the Global Drug Survey, only 2% stated this, whereas 88% did so under the influence of alcohol). In individual cases, it is often difficult to determine whether Gmight have been involved- among other things, because it is usually no longer detectablein thebodyafter thefirst pee after use.
Our impression is: KO substance assaults do not happen as often as media coverage suggests. Perhaps this even happenslessoftendue to the increasingly widespread knowledgeabout itinrecent years.Nevertheless, every partygoerand all those who work in nightlife shouldhavebasic knowledge on the subject of KO drops.
It should be clear: Whoever comes up with the idea toadminister substances tosomeone else withoutexplicit consent and full awareness of the person about theconsequences: Are youstill okay??? You areendangering thephysical and mental health of people and committing a serious crime!
It is a task foreveryone to make it clear that this is a case of violence against another person -regardless of whether the condition isthen exploited for assaults.
Anyone whousesG (or other highly narcoticsubstances) must handle them responsibly:
⫸ Make sure that others do not underestimate G:Informpotentialco-users intensively about the risks,warnthem ofpossible consequences andchoosethe dosage withas little risk as possible(precise, low dosage using a pipette or syringe, do nottop uptooearly).
⫸Eliminatethe risk of confusionfor others by storing the substances safely away from others, e.g. in abottle that isalsoimmediately recognizable to others.
Unfortunately, the actually well-intentioned drink check wristbandsprove to be unsafe . This involves dabbing 1-2 drops from thedrink onto a test field, which changes colorif the drinkcontainsGHB.But: the color reaction is often difficult to see in the club, and depending on thedrink, the color reaction can vary. More importantly, the wristband only reacts toGHB,which (at least in Berlin club life) is almost no longer in use. In theclub scene, on the other hand, the muchcheaper and easier to obtain GBL is consumed. In addition,many other substances can also be usedas "knockout drugs". The braceletstherefore convey in case of doubt that no narcoticispresent, where it is!
Even though we believe that everyonemustdecide for themselveswhether theywant additionalprotection, we do not want to concealthefundamental criticism that advertisingsuch protective measures sends out the wrong signal: Responsibility is once again beingpassed on tothose potentially affected . Article in "Bento
The real task is to make it a consensus in the scene and in society as a whole that it is a particularly serious case of Violence (assault, coercion,bodily harm) to administer drugs tosomeone withoutexplicit consent and awareness of the consequences. Alsoregardless of whether the condition is then exploited for assault. Only Yes Means Yes also in relation to consumption!
⫸Protectyour fellow ravers! For example, by paying special attention to those who are very drunk at the moment.
⫸Sensitize others! Takea clear stance against sexual assault and violence among friends by sharing your knowledge and stance and intervening in all forms of sexual discrimination.
⫸ Get involved! Does something seem strange to you, for example because a contact does not seem consensual? Are there signs of severe anesthesiain a person (e.g., severe reaction delays)?Do you feellike you'rewitnessing apossible assault that may be developing? Then check the situation, ask questions, and use them tocheck the person's awareness ofthesituation. Removesomeone from apotentially threatening situation and/or get help (e.g. other party guests, security).
⫸Be clear about your basic attitudes toward substance use at your parties (thisexplicitly includes alcohol)? What are borderline violationsand red lines, what kind ofguest and consumer behavior do you want to counteract?
⫸Communicate appropriate rules of conduct and expectations to yourguests (e.g. Golden Rules, Netiquette and Sexiquette etc. in your advertising, appropriate informationat the entrance and in the toilets).
⫸If you have a no-G policy, make ittransparent toyourguests.But also be clearthat any taboo and prohibition strategy has strong negative effects: For example, G will then increasingly only be consumed in secret. Especially victims of sexualized assaults might bedeterred to turn to you or to friends and fellow celebrants in case theyneedhelp.Look (gladly together with us) for an appropriate way to deal with the fact that G consumption is now quite widespread.
⫸ Form awareness structures and teams and have your employees trained on substance effects, risks, safer use, and how to act in the event of a drug emergency (e.g. from us).
⫸ Take those affected seriously andsupport them as much as possible,offer them safe spacesand create anatmosphere oftrust.
⫸Attention should be paid to the fact that perpetrators often pretend to be friends of the victims. Let them prove to you that the person and the victim really know each other!
⫸Get psychological support immediately, preferably from a good friend or a professional counseling center. Speak offensively about what you have experienced, get it off yourchest.
⫸Don'tmake excuses. Theperson beingassaultedissolely responsible for the assault, not the person affected.
⫸Reactwith incomprehensionand "talking down". Your friends willwant to react withunderstanding. Unfortunately, sexualized violence is still very often glossed over.Your confidants mayalso feel overwhelmedbyyour description or get into a role conflict because theyfeelsympathyfor the person who has been assaulted.If you do notfeelaccepted:Intensify your search for professional help!
⫸ Decidealone about yournext steps. Seekadvicefrom friends, familyand professionals, but don'tlet thempressureyouinto making decisions.
⫸If you are threatened by someone else, get help from friends or contact the police immediately. Self-protection is not cowardice.
⫸If youare sure that you want to press charges: Contact the police without wasting time. Again, expect a lack of understandingand to be asked about intimate details. Also beaware that the perpetratorsareoften not criminally convicted. And that in criminal proceedings you usually no longer have the right to refuse to testify. Get professional advice!
⫸If you are not sure whether youwant to press charges (later), it is still important to secure your urine as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible in Berlin to have a legally secure urine sample taken without pressing charges. However, you can submit a urine sample at your own expense (approx. 50 euros) to the following laboratories and have it tested for knockout drops.
⫸IMPORTANT: The urine sample must be taken within 12 hours - preferably directly at the laboratory or in a practice / hospital. Unfortunatelyrefuse hospitals and practices often refuse to take your urine because they cannot have the sample tested directly in their laboratory. Urge them to help you and point out that it is only to collect the urine and that you are responsible (privately) for all costs. Label the urine sample urine sample with the note: "Suspicion of KO drops."
⫸Help hotline Violence against women inmany languages: 08000-116.016 (365/24/7)
⫸Help hotline of the White Ring: 116 006 (Mon.-Sun. 07:00-22:00)
⫸BerlinerKrisendienst - The crisisservice provides support for all psychosocial problems.
You can find the appropriate phone number foryour region at . www.berliner-krisendienst.de (weekdays 16:00-24:00)
For urgent cases,the supraregional
on-call service is availabledaily00:00-08:00 and on weekends/holidays 08:00-16:00, tel. ++49 +30 +390 6310
⫸Violence outpatient clinic ofthe Charité Berlin
Thereare now violence protection outpatient clinics in severalcities. Hereyou can haveinjuries examined and documented by forensic medicine, even without a police report and free of charge. Tel. ++49 +30 +450.570.270 (Mon.-Fri. 08:30-15:00)
⫸LARA- Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen*
Help forwomen* after the age of 14who haveexperiencedrape, sexual assault and sexual harassment.Tel. ++49 +30 +216.8888 (Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00) www.lara-berlin.de | beratung@lara-berlin.de Here you can also find furtherinformation, e.g. on the FLINT*- and the Refugees-Hotline!
⫸MUT- Traumahilfe für Männer*
Counseling and support for men* who are experiencing or have experienced sexualized violence.
https://mut-traumahilfe.de | (030) 236 33 978 | anfrage[at]mut-traumahilfe.de
Victim assistance advisesandsupports victims and witnesses of crimes and their relatives,regardless of the offense, age, gender and origin. Immediately after the crime, but even yearslater, free of charge and confidential. Oldenburger Str. 38, 10551 Berlin Tel.: ++49 +30 +395-2867/-9759 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00-13:00, Tues./Thurs. 15:00-18:00) www.opferhilfe-berlin.de | info@opferhilfe-berlin.de
⫸Gangwaye.V. | Straßensozialarbeit Berlin
If you have been affected by a sexual assault andare looking for support, you can also contact the emergency service of Gangway's colleagues . https://gangway.de/schnelle-hilfe/24h-notdienste/ Gangway also offers servicesfor young women who want to talk about the topics of relationships, drugs, and aggression;please ask for possibilities atthe online drug counseling . https://gangway.de/online-drogenberatung/
⫸You can also find more information at KO Drops - No Thanks (German/English)
⫸Infoson the mode of action and risks of G canbe foundhere
"Better Safe
Than Sorry"
The extent of experience of sexual assault across the lifespan remains alarmingly high (see, for example, this article from DIE ZEIT with results from the Global Drug Survey). We stand by those affected in a partisan manner and uphold the followingprinciples:
⫸Every form of sexualized violence is to be condemned.
⫸Everyincident is one too many.
⫸Every trivialization of it is inappropriate.
⫸Every transgression of boundariesshould be countered immediately and strictly.
⫸Affected personsareentitled toanysupportinsolidarity; theirneedsmust be decisiveforthe evaluation and consequences in thesituation and afterwards.The persons affected thus decide whether a situation is assaultive and constitutes a boundary violation, and how the assaultive person should be countered. This basic attitude is called "power of definition" (of the persons affected).
No one knows for sure how often assaults by G or other substances used as KO substances occur. Only a very small minority of those who have experienced sexual assaults under the influence of drugs associate this with G. (In the Global Drug Survey, only 2% stated this, whereas 88% did so under the influence of alcohol). In individual cases, it is often difficult to determine whether Gmight have been involved- among other things, because it is usually no longer detectablein thebodyafter thefirst pee after use.
Our impression is: KO substance assaults do not happen as often as media coverage suggests. Perhaps this even happenslessoftendue to the increasingly widespread knowledgeabout itinrecent years.Nevertheless, every partygoerand all those who work in nightlife shouldhavebasic knowledge on the subject of KO drops.
It should be clear: Whoever comes up with the idea toadminister substances tosomeone else withoutexplicit consent and full awareness of the person about theconsequences: Are youstill okay??? You areendangering thephysical and mental health of people and committing a serious crime!
It is a task foreveryone to make it clear that this is a case of violence against another person -regardless of whether the condition isthen exploited for assaults.
Anyone whousesG (or other highly narcoticsubstances) must handle them responsibly:
⫸ Make sure that others do not underestimate G:Informpotentialco-users intensively about the risks,warnthem ofpossible consequences andchoosethe dosage withas little risk as possible(precise, low dosage using a pipette or syringe, do nottop uptooearly).
⫸Eliminatethe risk of confusionfor others by storing the substances safely away from others, e.g. in abottle that isalsoimmediately recognizable to others.
Unfortunately, the actually well-intentioned drink check wristbandsprove to be unsafe . This involves dabbing 1-2 drops from thedrink onto a test field, which changes colorif the drinkcontainsGHB.But: the color reaction is often difficult to see in the club, and depending on thedrink, the color reaction can vary. More importantly, the wristband only reacts toGHB,which (at least in Berlin club life) is almost no longer in use. In theclub scene, on the other hand, the muchcheaper and easier to obtain GBL is consumed. In addition,many other substances can also be usedas "knockout drugs". The braceletstherefore convey in case of doubt that no narcoticispresent, where it is!
Even though we believe that everyonemustdecide for themselveswhether theywant additionalprotection, we do not want to concealthefundamental criticism that advertisingsuch protective measures sends out the wrong signal: Responsibility is once again beingpassed on tothose potentially affected . Article in "Bento
The real task is to make it a consensus in the scene and in society as a whole that it is a particularly serious case of Violence (assault, coercion,bodily harm) to administer drugs tosomeone withoutexplicit consent and awareness of the consequences. Alsoregardless of whether the condition is then exploited for assault. Only Yes Means Yes also in relation to consumption!
⫸Protectyour fellow ravers! For example, by paying special attention to those who are very drunk at the moment.
⫸Sensitize others! Takea clear stance against sexual assault and violence among friends by sharing your knowledge and stance and intervening in all forms of sexual discrimination.
⫸ Get involved! Does something seem strange to you, for example because a contact does not seem consensual? Are there signs of severe anesthesiain a person (e.g., severe reaction delays)?Do you feellike you'rewitnessing apossible assault that may be developing? Then check the situation, ask questions, and use them tocheck the person's awareness ofthesituation. Removesomeone from apotentially threatening situation and/or get help (e.g. other party guests, security).
⫸Be clear about your basic attitudes toward substance use at your parties (thisexplicitly includes alcohol)? What are borderline violationsand red lines, what kind ofguest and consumer behavior do you want to counteract?
⫸Communicate appropriate rules of conduct and expectations to yourguests (e.g. Golden Rules, Netiquette and Sexiquette etc. in your advertising, appropriate informationat the entrance and in the toilets).
⫸If you have a no-G policy, make ittransparent toyourguests.But also be clearthat any taboo and prohibition strategy has strong negative effects: For example, G will then increasingly only be consumed in secret. Especially victims of sexualized assaults might bedeterred to turn to you or to friends and fellow celebrants in case theyneedhelp.Look (gladly together with us) for an appropriate way to deal with the fact that G consumption is now quite widespread.
⫸ Form awareness structures and teams and have your employees trained on substance effects, risks, safer use, and how to act in the event of a drug emergency (e.g. from us).
⫸ Take those affected seriously andsupport them as much as possible,offer them safe spacesand create anatmosphere oftrust.
⫸Attention should be paid to the fact that perpetrators often pretend to be friends of the victims. Let them prove to you that the person and the victim really know each other!
⫸Get psychological support immediately, preferably from a good friend or a professional counseling center. Speak offensively about what you have experienced, get it off yourchest.
⫸Don'tmake excuses. Theperson beingassaultedissolely responsible for the assault, not the person affected.
⫸Reactwith incomprehensionand "talking down". Your friends willwant to react withunderstanding. Unfortunately, sexualized violence is still very often glossed over.Your confidants mayalso feel overwhelmedbyyour description or get into a role conflict because theyfeelsympathyfor the person who has been assaulted.If you do notfeelaccepted:Intensify your search for professional help!
⫸ Decidealone about yournext steps. Seekadvicefrom friends, familyand professionals, but don'tlet thempressureyouinto making decisions.
⫸If you are threatened by someone else, get help from friends or contact the police immediately. Self-protection is not cowardice.
⫸If youare sure that you want to press charges: Contact the police without wasting time. Again, expect a lack of understandingand to be asked about intimate details. Also beaware that the perpetratorsareoften not criminally convicted. And that in criminal proceedings you usually no longer have the right to refuse to testify. Get professional advice!
⫸If you are not sure whether youwant to press charges (later), it is still important to secure your urine as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible in Berlin to have a legally secure urine sample taken without pressing charges. However, you can submit a urine sample at your own expense (approx. 50 euros) to the following laboratories and have it tested for knockout drops.
⫸IMPORTANT: The urine sample must be taken within 12 hours - preferably directly at the laboratory or in a practice / hospital. Unfortunatelyrefuse hospitals and practices often refuse to take your urine because they cannot have the sample tested directly in their laboratory. Urge them to help you and point out that it is only to collect the urine and that you are responsible (privately) for all costs. Label the urine sample urine sample with the note: "Suspicion of KO drops."
⫸Help hotline Violence against women inmany languages: 08000-116.016 (365/24/7)
⫸Help hotline of the White Ring: 116 006 (Mon.-Sun. 07:00-22:00)
⫸BerlinerKrisendienst - The crisisservice provides support for all psychosocial problems.
You can find the appropriate phone number foryour region at . www.berliner-krisendienst.de (weekdays 16:00-24:00)
For urgent cases,the supraregional
on-call service is availabledaily00:00-08:00 and on weekends/holidays 08:00-16:00, tel. ++49 +30 +390 6310
⫸Violence outpatient clinic ofthe Charité Berlin
Thereare now violence protection outpatient clinics in severalcities. Hereyou can haveinjuries examined and documented by forensic medicine, even without a police report and free of charge. Tel. ++49 +30 +450.570.270 (Mon.-Fri. 08:30-15:00)
⫸LARA- Fachstelle gegen sexualisierte Gewalt an Frauen*
Help forwomen* after the age of 14who haveexperiencedrape, sexual assault and sexual harassment.Tel. ++49 +30 +216.8888 (Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00) www.lara-berlin.de | beratung@lara-berlin.de Here you can also find furtherinformation, e.g. on the FLINT*- and the Refugees-Hotline!
⫸MUT- Traumahilfe für Männer*
Counseling and support for men* who are experiencing or have experienced sexualized violence.
https://mut-traumahilfe.de | (030) 236 33 978 | anfrage[at]mut-traumahilfe.de
Victim assistance advisesandsupports victims and witnesses of crimes and their relatives,regardless of the offense, age, gender and origin. Immediately after the crime, but even yearslater, free of charge and confidential. Oldenburger Str. 38, 10551 Berlin Tel.: ++49 +30 +395-2867/-9759 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00-13:00, Tues./Thurs. 15:00-18:00) www.opferhilfe-berlin.de | info@opferhilfe-berlin.de
⫸Gangwaye.V. | Straßensozialarbeit Berlin
If you have been affected by a sexual assault andare looking for support, you can also contact the emergency service of Gangway's colleagues . https://gangway.de/schnelle-hilfe/24h-notdienste/ Gangway also offers servicesfor young women who want to talk about the topics of relationships, drugs, and aggression;please ask for possibilities atthe online drug counseling . https://gangway.de/online-drogenberatung/
⫸You can also find more information at KO Drops - No Thanks (German/English)
⫸Infoson the mode of action and risks of G canbe foundhere