"With good information
substances can be
enjoyed more safely!"
As an orientation: around 1 μg (microgram) per kg in body weight can be the crossing over into a strong dose. It is essential to dose carefully and handle individually. Inform yourself as much as possible about the dosage of your substances! Take note: an intense experience doesn’t necessarily depend on a high dosage. Low doses can also lead to difficult experiences and psychological crisis.
If someone is struggling, getting anxious or having a difficult experience, bring them to a calm environment and try to get their focus on familiar and calming things – breath, bodily sensations, basic needs, etc.
"With good information
substances can be
enjoyed more safely!"
As an orientation: around 1 μg (microgram) per kg in body weight can be the crossing over into a strong dose. It is essential to dose carefully and handle individually. Inform yourself as much as possible about the dosage of your substances! Take note: an intense experience doesn’t necessarily depend on a high dosage. Low doses can also lead to difficult experiences and psychological crisis.
If someone is struggling, getting anxious or having a difficult experience, bring them to a calm environment and try to get their focus on familiar and calming things – breath, bodily sensations, basic needs, etc.